For those of us who love liberty and freedom, who believe that each person owns himself, who hold the idea that a person can do whatever he wishes with his life and property as long as he does not infringe on the rights of another person or his property, we find ourselves beset on all sides by a State that is oppressive of our rights and the most violent and consistent aggressor against life and property.

The State, media, and government run schools are all working to teach our children a near blind obedience to government and its agents.

In an effort to combat all the State propaganda and ensure my children receive a more enlightened education, I began recording short podcast type lessons for them. The lessons are all designed to be about 5 minutes long and to teach the ideas of liberty in a language they can understand.

I'm posting these lessons online so that others who might find them useful can share them with their own children.


Saturday, April 30, 2016

Who is the biggest bully in your school?

Link to the story in the Washington Post

Who is the most dangerous person in your school?  If you have a police officer who is assigned to your school, he or she is likely the most dangerous person you will encounter while getting an education.  The best thing that you can do if you or a friend (or even an enemy) has personal encounter with a cop, is to record the interaction.  Generally, people will behave better when they know they are being recorded, but there are many videos of adult police officers physically abusing young students to prove that is not always the case.

When dealing with police, keep these things in mind:
1. Police are trained to lie, and it is acceptable for them to lie.
2. Police are trained to make requests sound like demands.  Example: "I'm going to have to ask you to open your bag for me."  Although this may sound like an order, notice the language is "have to ask."  While you are film the encounter, get them to commit to an order by asking, "Is that an order or are you asking me to?"  If they don't have legal standing to order you to, they won't commit to it on film.
3.  Police often respond to perceived insults with violence, so it is best to be respectful.
4.  Police often respond to any short delay in obey them with violence, so proceed with caution and continue to film.

Remember that the camera is your friend.  The officer in this video may end up getting in trouble, but that would not have happened if someone had not caught this on their phone.  Any time you stand before a judge or a school official without video evidence, they are most likely to side with the cop over you.

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